
Small Miracles: Courtney Stodden Doesn’t Want to Have Children

Under normal circumstances, the fact that Courtney Stodden doesn’t want to have children would be a very, very big miracle – having proof that she and Doug Hutchison had sex would just be too much, plus we’ve seen what sort of parenting she had growing up, and it seems sad to think she’d pass that on to her own children – but these aren’t normal circumstances, and I’ll tell you why. It’s because Courtney Stodden doesn’t want to have children right now. Still a miracle, just not as awesome.
We learned this information because Courtney and Doug did an interview with E! News, and they revealed that one of the major reasons they sought out Couples Therapy was because Doug wanted children (so gross), but she wasn’t ready, and that caused a lot of problems for them. Courtney said “I’m not against kids, but my career is my baby…And when I’m ready to share that, we’ll discuss.” Hopefully she’ll be working on her career up until menopause.
Oh, Courtney also said that sometimes she accidentally calls Doug “dad,” because “you know, Doug-dad, same thing.” Doug chimed in with a classic “it is what it is” (ugh) and said that “she can call me dad, I can say, ‘I’m raising my wife.’ It’s all in good humor.”
And for all of us who don’t fully support this union? “Our haters are our motivators,” Doug says. Spoken like a true champ.

